
Al-Ahmar: It is impossible to reopen the electoral laws, and they will be executed and will not be amended.

Member of Parliament, Bashir Al-Ahmar, said in a statement to Arraed on Saturday that reopening the electoral laws is impossible and that there is no time now to amend them, stressing that these laws will be implemented and will not be amended.

Al-Ahmar added that Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbaiba signed a pledge not to enter the upcoming elections, saying that “if Dbaiba had a desire for the presidential elections, he could have gone on vacation or resigned as the prime minister and entered the electoral process.”

It is worth noting that Article 12 of the Presidential Elections Law requires that the candidate stop working 3 months before the date of the elections scheduled for December 24, while Dbaiba has carried out his duties as prime minister.

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