
The Arab Post: France and Iran are working to undermine Turkey’s role in Libya and Iraq.

Turkish journalist Taha Clinch said in his article, published on the Arabi Post website, that the French intelligence in Libya is trying to undermine the steps taken by Turkey to stabilize Libya, and it is also trying to establish a system in Libya that suits its interests.

Clinch added that the plane that transported Saddam Haftar to Israel belonged to a French company, in reference to the visit of Haftar’s son to Israel in order to request support for his father in the presidential elections scheduled for December 24, according to several media outlets, led by the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz”.

Clinch explained that at the same time, France is trying to use all the influence it has to ignite the fire of strife between Morocco and Algeria, saying that it is very clear that “France” is the country behind the crisis that emerged with the withdrawal of joint ambassadors in August between the two neighboring countries.

Clinch added that Iran is also obstructing Turkey’s efforts and consolidating its control in countries such as Syria and Iraq, while trying to distance Turkey as much as possible from these countries, noting that Paris and Tehran have a common goal of “obstructing Turkey and its efforts.”

Clinch added that it is very useful to realize how some of the tensions are transmitted vividly from the depths of history to the present.

Regarding Iran’s continuous attempts to control Iraq, Clinch said that it is expected that the Iranian-backed Shiaate militias are responsible for the drone attack on the home of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in Baghdad.

Clinch added that Mustafa Al-Kazemi does not enjoy the love and support of the Shiaate militias, because he is trying to maintain a policy of balance between international actors and Iran, even though he belongs to the Shiaate sect.

Clinch concluded by saying that the Iraqi Shiaate leader Muqtada al-Sadr, who emerged victorious in the elections, is working side by side with Al-Kazemi.

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