
Kubis on the anniversary of the ceasefire agreement: the agreement paved the way for the political process.

Ján Kubiš, UN Special Envoy for Libya attends the Legal Committee of the Libyan Politicial Dialogue Forum. 4 February 2021. UN Photo by Violaine Martin

On the first anniversary of the signing of the ceasefire agreement, the UN envoy to Libya, Jan Kubis, said that the agreement paved the way for the comprehensive political process led and controlled by the Libyans towards stability, unity, prosperity and full sovereignty.

Kubis added – in an official statement – on Sunday, that the critical importance of the ceasefire agreement was confirmed at the ministerial conference to support stability that was held in Tripoli, pointing to the achievement of the 5 + 5 committee in early October, which includes a comprehensive action plan for the gradual withdrawal. and balanced and sequential mercenaries, foreign fighters, and foreign forces from Libya.

The UN envoy explained that the international observers who arrived will work under the supervision of the 5 + 5 Committee to monitor the ceasefire and verify the withdrawal of mercenaries, foreign fighters and foreign forces, stressing the role of the Committee in confidence-building measures represented in the resumption of oil exports, the exchange of detainees, the reopening of the airspace and the opening of the coastal road. .

Kubis reiterated the support of the United Nations and international partners to the Military Committee in the ceasefire agreement and action plan through consultations with the concerned parties internally and externally.

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