
Kubis announces the arrival of international observers to Tripoli to monitor the ceasefire.

The Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Libya, Jan Kubis, announced that the first group of international ceasefire monitors began working in Tripoli since October 10, until arrangements for their deployment in Sirte were completed.

The UN envoy added, in a letter to the members of the 5 + 5 Joint Military Committee, that the deployment of this group will contribute to creating the conditions for the successful implementation of the action plan, noting that it will be entrusted to the United Nations monitoring elements to provide support to the ceasefire monitoring mechanism led by the Libyans, and they control it. .

Kubis pointed out that the observers will work in close cooperation with the Joint Military Committee and the Libyan parties concerned under the Security Council resolution, reiterating at the same time his support for Libyan efforts aimed at implementing the action plan related to the removal of foreign forces, mercenaries and foreign fighters from Libyan territory.

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