
Blihaq: The Council accepted the commission’s amendments to the presidential and parliamentary elections laws, with the exception of two points.

Parliament Spokesman Abdullah Belhaiq announced on Monday that Parliament accepted, in today’s session, the amendments received from the High Elections Commission on the Parliament’s election law, with the exception of point “4”, which states that voting by correspondence is allowed.

Blihaq said – according to his official page – that the council voted to accept the commission’s amendments on Law No. 1 of 2021 on the President’s Election Law, with the exception of point 6 regarding adding an article to the law.

In a related context, the spokesman confirmed the unanimous vote of the representatives present on the draft law to support the Libyan family with an amount of 50,000 dinars, with the exception of the beneficiaries of the marriage grant.

The official spokesman indicated that the council discussed the memo submitted by the Libyan Parties Association regarding the electoral laws, and the discussion resulted in the electoral laws remaining in accordance with what was approved by the council, after which the session was suspended until tomorrow, Tuesday.

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