
Haftar extends his rebellion against the state, taking advantage of the government’s failure in the security and military files.

After nearly a year of the political and military agreement that allowed the formation of a new executive authority and put in place mechanisms to end the division and unify the state, Haftar seems to continue to renege on his obligations to the Libyans and the international community, taking advantage of the executive authority’s inability to exercise its actual powers and unify state institutions under its legitimate authority granted to it by the political agreement, rather, the sequence of events shows that Haftar extended his rebellion against the state and legitimacy to other civilian areas and sectors without finding anyone to deter him, even with a political stance condemning his actions, Haftar still deals in his areas of control as an absolute ruler of a state within a state, and repeats the same scenario of his dealings with a government of Al Thinni and the Government of National Accord.

December 24 .. May be the date of demarcation of the rebellion

Haftar threatens to return to war again, if what he called efforts for a political solution in the country fail, and it seems that the date of next December 24 will only mean a date for him to officially reject any commitment towards the political and military agreement after he publicly rejected any Authority of the new government and the Presidential Council over him. .

Haftar said it frankly a few weeks ago, during a military parade of his militias in Benghazi, stressing that he would not hesitate to fight battles.

He does not recognize the authority or legitimacy of the government

Haftar waited only days after the formation of the new executive authority to explicitly declare his non-recognition of the government’s authority, and he prevented it from meeting in Benghazi and from landing at Benina Airport, which led to the cancellation of the visit, and Haftar issued an official statement saying that he does not have any link with the government “whether it is service.” Or sovereign, and even at the level of communication,” thus blowing up the government’s claims that it will be a unity government, and will only appoint ministers without political rivalries, and they can work in all regions of the country, so Haftar prevents the prime minister himself from entering Benghazi.

In fact, at a later time, Haftar prevented the landing of the plane carrying the head of the Presidential Council in Sebha, which caused demonstrations in the city, calling for the residents to withdraw his militias.

In both cases, the executive authority remained silent, and did not comment on the insults it was subjected to.

Military expansion outside the government’s will

A few days after the formation of the new executive authority, Haftar also conducted maneuvers and moved military columns from the east to the south without the permission of the Presidential Council in his capacity as the supreme commander of the army, nor the Minister of Defense, who is himself the head of the government, and launched a military campaign in the south, during which he stormed new areas that he did not have before like Ubari, he made raids and arrests without permission, not even the knowledge of the government and the Ministry of Defense.

And the government’s inability to confront the situation that Haftar wanted to put it in was a message of encouragement to persist in blackmailing it and bypassing the powers of the Presidential Council.

Minister of Housing and Planning also

Among his propaganda campaigns that did not find a response from the government, Haftar appeared during the period of the new agreement bypassing the powers of the Presidential Council and the Libyan National Unity Government, and signed in civilian clothes a plan to build 3 cities around Benghazi with a capacity of 12 million people. He wants to say that he oversees the original civic functions of government such as planning, housing and city construction.

Haftar acting as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the government does not comment

From housing and planning, Haftar switched to diplomacy to express on more than one occasion positions on foreign events – completely bypassing the Presidential Council, the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He appeared to talk about the issue of the Renaissance Dam between Egypt and Ethiopia, and he appeared to announce his support for the Jordanian government in the dispute that erupted between King Abdullah and his brother, the former crown prince, Prince Hamzah, and in all cases the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs kept monitoring, and did not comment on the robbery that occurred.

Royalties and fees at the crossings by force without the knowledge of the Ministry of Finance

In order to ensure the flow of corrupt money into his pocket, Hftar forcibly imposed illegal financial fees on Libyan passengers and vehicles at the “Amsaed” the border crossing with Egypt amid the silence of the National Unity Government, under the umbrella of the Military Investment Authority, the financial arm of Haftar and his sons, and without a legal reference of the Ministry of Finance and Interior legally charged with running the crossing, and numerous reports continued by media and the UN describing Haftar’s Military Investment Authority as the illegal body involved in looting and smuggling files under the silent eyes of the government.

We have not benefited from the lessons and theories of unifying countries that were exhausted by war barons

All the theories and lessons that the international community came out with from the experiences of reunification of countries exhausted by civil wars and regional divisions, started and ended with the formation of a strong government capable of possessing arms and limiting the practice of legitimate violence to the official state institutions alone, and activating the legal and security tools necessary to dismantle the rebel groups On the legitimacy of the state and its gradual drying up of sources of funding and the expansion of the war barons, as is the case in the situation of Haftar, which are lessons and theories in which the national unity government seems unable to exercise its security and military competencies stipulated in the political agreement, and even withdrew from exercising purely civilian competencies in areas under the control of Haftar.

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