
Norland from Rabat: The political process must move forward.

The US ambassador and envoy to Libya, Richard Norland, stressed the need to move forward in the political process; to hold parliamentary and presidential elections on December 24; In order to form a permanent legitimate government for Libya.

Norland confirmed in a statement that, during his meeting with members of the Parliament and the Supreme Council of the State in the tempting city of Rabat, he sensed the need for more efforts to bring the parties closer, hoping that each side would give due consideration to the legitimate concerns expressed by the other party.

The US envoy said, “No individual or institution should have the power to veto critical electoral legislation — instead, Libyan institutions and their leaders should trust the ability of voters to decide who should lead the country.”

It is worth noting that the US Ambassador to Tripoli, Richard Norland, said in statements, after the opening session of the meeting in Rabat, that there is a need for a constitutional and legal basis in order to provide the conditions for launching the electoral campaign in Libya, and the consultative meeting is scheduled to discuss the Libyan electoral law, with The presidential and parliamentary elections are approaching on December 24.

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