
Former Planning Minister Issa Al-Tuwaijer to Dbaiba: Only those looking for money benefit from quick solutions.

Former Planning Minister Issa Al-Tuwaijer said on Friday that Prime Minister Abdul-Hamid Dbaiba is taking the same path as the failed Prime Minsters before him with regard to the electricity issue, and I do not expect it to succeed.

Al-Tuwaijer added, according to his Facebook page, that there is no magic solution to the electricity problem in Libya, and the solution requires work according to scientific principles, and requires a long time.

Al-Tuwaijer advised Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbaiba to form a global expert group, to investigate the problem of electricity, develop appropriate solutions, and dismantle the electricity company to operate on commercial grounds, and emulate the successful experiences in similar countries, adding that, quick solutions benefit only those who are looking for money.

It is worth noting that the General Electricity Company, on Wednesday, announced the sudden exit of the Khums plant from the general network, which caused the loss of more than 1,400 megawatts, and led to an increase in the hours of distributing of loads.

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Written by abdal ali

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