
Bait Al-Mal: We do not have any foreigner, and whoever wants to be sure, let him come.

The commander of the Sirte and Al-Jufra Operations Room, Major General Ibrahim Bait Al-Mal, said Thursday that there is no presence of any foreigner with us, and whoever wants to verify let him come himself, calling on the United Nations to implement the procedures and not suffice with written statements.

Bait Al-Mal explained in a press statement – that we have stipulated three conditions for opening the coastal road, a ceasefire, clearance of mines and the withdrawal of mercenaries, indicating that the condition for the mercenaries’ withdrawal has not been fulfilled until this moment.

It is reported that the commander of the Sirte and Jufra operations room, Major General Ibrahim Bait al-Mal, said on April 22 to Arraed, that the operations officers in the room and the commanders of the interlocutors and field commanders are studying whether or not to open the coastal road, and that they are still monitoring the mobilization of mercenaries in Sirte and Jufra supported by warplanes.

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Written by abdal ali

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