
Kubiš stresses that elections will be held next December.

The UN envoy to Libya, Jan Kubiš, reiterated the importance of adhering to the date of the elections on December 24, and accelerating the withdrawal of foreign fighters from Libya.

This came during the meeting of “Kubiš” with the coordinator of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, “Rizdon Zininga” and a number of special envoys of the ambassadors of European countries and the United States, in which they discussed possible next steps to implement the roadmap approved by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum and the UN Security Council resolutions.

Kubiš also discussed, during contacts with the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Bogdanov, and Deputy Secretary-General of NATO, Mircea Geoană, to push for the implementation of the roadmap approved by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum leading to the holding of elections on time.

It is worth noting that the UN envoy to Libya “Jan Kubiš” stressed on more than one occasion the necessity of holding the elections on time.

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