
The duties of the Supreme Commander of the Libyan Army between Haftar’s practice and the silence of the Presidential council, the commander of the Libyan Army .. Do they have control over Haftar?

Haftar continues his illegal authority and appears as the de facto ruler of the east of the country and commander-in-chief of the Libyan army, in the past two days he launched military exercises with live ammunition and issued special exemption decisions for the military.

Haftar’s movements and maneuvers

It takes place under the gaze of the Presidential Council without moving a finger or condemning it; Although he is the supreme commander of the Libyan army, with what Haftar is doing in the east in terms of statements, training and mobilization; Which sparked reactions from analysts and activists on social networking sites.

Haftar sees himself only as a commander of the army

The journalist, Musa Tehosai, said: Haftar does not want any settlement of the military institution file unless his is controlling it, and the existing authorities know this, and he is dealing with the situation as a fait accompli.

Tihosai added, in a statement to Arraed, that Haftar does not want a political solution unless he is given control of the army and made it a tool to implement his greedy projects for government, and he is not originally envisioned to be a commander of the army. Tihosai made it clear that Haftar wants to end any opposition that may occur to him later in the south, especially the city of Ubari, which has always remained outside his calculations and was not able to fully control it, and has always remained as a threat to him despite his control of all surrounding areas.

Haftar is an exception

In this context, the lawyer and academic Faisal al-Sharif, demanded that the President of the Presidential Council and its members, to be a commander in chief of the Libyan army for everyone holding the military rank in all of Libya and to direct your instructions to all of them.

On his official Facebook page, Al-Sharif denounced leaving Haftar behave as he wanted, and instructed the Libyan army spokesman, Brigadier General Pilot Mohammed Gnunu not to appear in the media without the permission of the Council. This is double dealing, and will lead to you losing control over Gnunu and the military in the Libyan West.

For his part, political analyst Ahmed Al-Rawyati told the President of the Presidential Council, Mohammed Al-Manifi: “You are not only a commander over the Libyan army spokesman, Brigadier General Pilot Mohammed Gnunu, but also supreme commander even over Haftar.”

Al-Rawyati continued his speech, according to his official Facebook page, “If Gnunu said what the supreme commander of the Libyan army does not like, Haftar did what it does not like and even rises to a treason, so be fair or be moderate.”

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Written by abdal ali

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