
The second victim of the “Wagner” mines within a week .. There is no clear program from the government regarding mines and their victims.

After the 14-year-old child, Abdul-Muhaimin Aqeel, was killed by a mine explosion in the “Arbaa Shwaraa Aliwa” area in the municipality of Ain Zara last week, citizen Yusef Amara Al-Suwai was killed on Friday. After the explosion of a landmine in Alahia Alberia area, it was planted by fleeing “Wagner” mercenaries.

The spokesman for the Sirte Al-Jafra Liberation Operations Room, Brigadier General Abdul Hadi Drah, confirmed, on Saturday, that 5 civilians were wounded by a landmine explosion west of Sirte, pointing out that their injuries range from serious to moderate, and that they are currently receiving treatment at the emergency hospital in Misurata.

Although the Libyan parties agreed to go to dialogue and signed a ceasefire agreement last October between the 5 + 5 Joint Commission, Haftar’s militias did not hand over the maps of the mines that they had planted.

Mine and war remnants clearance teams at the Military Engineering Department have worked continuously to clean areas south of Tripoli from the remnants of war and search for booby-traps and mines in the homes, streets and properties of civilians, the mines were planted after Haftar’s militias lost in the war, teams from Turkey and Italy arrived to help remove them.

However, the ability of the Wagner mercenaries to hide some mines prevented them from being found by the search teams, which resulted in the death of a number of civilians and the injury of many, the last of whom were three people, including two children who were injured in a mine explosion in the “Arbaa Shwaraa Aliwa” area in the municipality of Ain Zara.

The National Unity Government has not issued any clear statement or reaction about mine victims, and has not launched any program to address this file yet.

In a related context, “UNICEF” revealed that more than half a million people in Libya are exposed to dangerous mines planted in several areas south of Tripoli.

The organization said in a statement on the killing of the child “Abdul-Muhaimin” in Ain Zara that 63 thousand displaced persons, 123 thousand returnees, 145 thousand non-displaced Libyans, 135 thousand immigrants and 40 thousand refugees are exposed to this danger.

Last September, military engineering teams disposed of 10 tons of mines that they collected from the neighborhoods of Salah al-Din, Ain Zara, Al-Mashrou ‘, and Wadi Al rabai’.

The Libyan Center for Mine and War Remnants Removal announced last February the detonation of the second batch of 7 tons of war remnants, out of a total of 20 tons collected from areas south of Tripoli.

The total casualties of the mines planted by Haftar’s militia south of Tripoli and in Sirte are more than 60 dead and more than 107 wounded, most of them civilians.

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Written by abdal ali

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