
A joint American and European statement welcomes the election of the new executive authority and calls for the mercenaries to leave Libya.

The United States, France, Germany, Italy and Britain welcomed the election of the new interim authority in Libya, stressing that it was a “very important” step; To ensure political stability.

In a joint statement Friday it said , this step opens the way for elections next December, expecting the current government to peacefully transfer all the powers and duties to the new executive authority.

The countries stressed the need to end the conflicts in Libya, implement the arms embargo imposed on the country and withdraw foreign fighters and mercenaries.

It is nworth noting that the members of the Forum for Political Dialogue elected Friday, Abdulhamid Adbaiba as Prime Minister, Mohammed Al-Mnifi as Chairman of the Presidential Council, and Musa Al-Koni and Abdullah Al-Lafi as his two deputies.

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