
The Italian press: Closing the oil ports again in the east aims to thwart the political dialogue by Haftar

Whenever the Libyan crisis approaches political solutions, an obstructing group comes out against these solutions; To ensure that they remain in the scene, and the situation in the country remains as it is.

Haftar and his militias have always obstructed political solutions, and the inclusive national meeting in Ghadames is not far away.

These militias announced two days ago that they would close the oil ports in the Eastern Region again. With financial arguments, as is the norm every time any of the militias, shut down oil, economic or service facilities over the past years.

The Italian press reported on this event, including the Italian newspaper “Formiki”, which saw in a report that the militants who yesterday stopped exporting oil through the ports of Hraiqa, Sidra and Ras Lanuf are nothing but a tool to complicate the political dialogue led by the United Nations.

The newspaper added that the purpose of the closure is to thwart the political dialogue and prevent it from completing the remainder of the track, and the newspaper indicated that the facilities from which oil exports were stopped are under Haftar’s control.

The newspaper reported that Haftar has consistently opposed any kind of stability proposed by the United Nations, and oil has always become his weapon, to plant chaos and confuse the political process, after he failed in his military project by his defeat during the aggression on the capital, Tripoli.

The dialogue sessions have made excellent strides towards reaching understandings, perhaps the most important of which are the results of the vote on the mechanism of selecting the executive authorities, and the Moroccan Bo_Zniqa dialogue, which resulted in the sharing of important sovereign positions.

These consensuses were preceded by the Constitutional Committee’s agreement to submit the draft constitution to referendum by the people, which the Constitutional Drafting Assembly completed years ago, which is considered the final chapter leading to elections, and the creation of permanent, elected and presidential bodies.

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