
In its capacity as President of the Security Council … Tunisia is calling with “Guterres” to send international observers to Libya … Why does Haftar fear this?

After the Secretary-General of the United Nations, “António Guterres”, called for sending international observers to monitor the ceasefire in Libya under the auspices of the United Nations, which paves the way for peace in the war-torn country, Tunisia, from its position in the rotating presidency of the Security Council, calls for an acceleration of the decision to deploy an international mission to monitor the cease-fire.

Guterres explained in a letter to the UN Security Council, Thursday, that the United Nations team could include civilians and former military personnel from international bodies, including the African Union, the European Union and the League of Arab States, pointing out that the observers would be deployed in the Sirte and Al Jufra contact areas, with the possibility of expanding The scope of the deployment later, which means that its tasks are to ensure that the region is free of mercenaries and militias.

The two requests from the UN Secretary-General and the rotating presidency of the Security Council come after Haftar’s call for a new war with Emirati incitement, which was rejected by three countries supporting Haftar, namely Russia, Egypt and France, stressing that any military attempt would threaten the ceasefire, and that there is no military solution in Libya.

Project adoption

President of the UN Security Council, Tunisian Ambassador Tariq Al-Adab confirmed, on Tuesday, that Tunisia has adopted a draft resolution in the Council; To establish a monitoring mechanism for the ceasefire in Libya, hoping that it will be approved by the members of the Council as soon as possible.

Al-Adab clarified during a press conference that the Secretary-General of the United Nations, “Antonio Guterres”, is currently studying a number of candidate names for the appointment of a UN envoy to Libya, as part of efforts to preserve the current momentum in the Libyan file to move forward with a policy that satisfies all Libyan parties, pointing out that the Council will adopt the name provided by the Secretary-General as soon as possible.

The move by the presidency of the Security Council came a few days after a letter sent by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, to the members of the Security Council, calling on them to form an international observers’ committee that includes civilians and retired military personnel from international bodies, from the African Union, the European Union, and the Arab League.

UN Fear

The UN body says: The scope of the observer team’s deployment within what is known as the Sirte and Al Jufra Contact Zone, with the possibility of expanding its scope later, which indicates that their role will include ensuring that the area is free of armed manifestations, including mercenaries and militias that gathered in it after the defeat of the aggression On the capital.

The international step, observers believe, may pave the way for the expansion of the mission of the UN mission, and enable it to fully complete the outcomes of the dialogue with its multiple tracks from all sides.

Haftar takes Argument

The only rejection of the effort to send observers came from the leader of the Al Karama militia, Khalifa Haftar, through the so-called Director of the Moral Guidance Department Khaled Al-Mahjoub, arguing that the observers must be chosen from countries agreed upon by the two parties.

Haftar’s contradiction came in contrast to his position with the full ten-member military committee, which Guterres confirmed that he had received an invitation from them to send a team of international observers, as well as making it inconsistent with the text of the military agreement in Geneva, then its annex signed in Ghadames.

Libyan sources also revealed to the newspaper “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” Haftar’s opposition to the UN proposal to send international observers, to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire, to obstruct the implementation of the military agreement as long as possible.

According to its sources, the newspaper said on Saturday that Haftar demanded the participation of observers from allied countries, instructing his representatives in the 5 + 5 Joint Military Committee to submit a proposal to establish the presence of his forces in the city of Sirte and the Al-Jufra base, noting that this proposal came at the instruction of his allies in Paris and Abo Dhabi.

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