
The central and southern regions are crying out from the crimes of Haftar’s militia and his mercenaries, and are awaiting the implementation of the terms of the 5 + 5 committee agreement.

Haftar’s militias does not enter a place without wreaking corruption and devastation, and soon the people of these areas are exposed to the falsehood of the slogans promoted by Haftar’s media, and the security and stability that these militias will bring.

The corruption of these militias affected the cities of the South, and the demands and appeals rose against the actions of these militias and mercenaries that supported them after the escalation of the crimes and violations they committed against the people of these cities and regions.

Sabha is a den of crime

The city of Sabha is in a state of chaos, and security has not been established after several murders and kidnappings were recorded without arresting the perpetrators, the most recent of which was the killing of Hajj Ali Saad al-Megrahi, whose body was found soaked in blood near the reservoir in the Abdulkafi neighborhood in the city after being hit by bullets.

The spokesman for the armed formations affiliated with Haftar’s militia in Sabha, “Ali Al-Tarshani,” admitted that several crimes were committed, most of them registered against unknown persons.

“Al-Tarshani” added in a statement that the cases of killing and injury; As a result of the shooting, are recorded on a weekly basis in the city, pointing out that all these cases are the result of the spread of weapons among the community, including heavy and medium weapons that have become widely used among civilian neighborhoods.

Civil disobedience in Hoon

The people of the city of Hoon broke the barrier of fear and went out to demand the exit of all Haftar’s militia and mercenaries, and to take retribution on them, after the killing of two young men of the city’s residents at the hands

They called on the people of various segments in front of the headquarters of Haftar’s military region for a comprehensive civil disobedience, and the closure of roads and all shops in the city until the mercenaries leave the area.

The movement of the people of Hoon came after the killing of citizen Ayman Abo Qusaisa in an attack carried out by 18 Janjaweed mercenaries, who threw his body on the side of the road in the industrial district of the city.

It is the second time that the people of Hoon come out against the crimes of Haftar’s mercenaries. Last July, the people came out condemning the killing of Ziad al-Arabi in front of his house by bullets by the Sudanese Janjaweed mercenaries.

Sirte uprising

These incidents preceded another popular uprising in the city of Sirte, after the people killed a member of the Sudanese “Janjaweed” militia on Abu Hadi Island, by firing bullets after his attempt to burgle the homes of the city’s residents.

Notables and social components of the city issued a statement denouncing the state of the security and service breakdown in the city, which was occupied by Haftar’s militias and his mercenaries for nearly a year.

These uprisings and popular demands for the exit of mercenaries and militias from Sirte and the cities of the South, find their resonance throughout the region, and attract new and broad segments of various classes and groups, and perhaps the hope now is to implement what the Joint Military Committee agreed upon 5 + 5 to expel all mercenaries from the country within a period not exceeding 90 days.

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Written by raed_admin

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