
Despite his repeated denials of the existence of militias in eastern Libya, Haftar announces an agreement to dismantle them and evacuate their headquarters.

The so-called Chief of General Staff of Haftar, Abdulrazek Al-Nadhouri, announced that they had reached an agreement to lay down a working mechanism to dismantle the armed military groups and evacuate the headquarters under their control.

And according to what was published in Al-Wasat website, Sunday, it was also agreed to build a joint military and security force to implement the decisions issued by the chamber regarding law enforcement and the rule of justice, in an urgent manner.

It is worth noting that the General Command of Khalifa Haftar denied since the beginning of what is known as Operation Al Karama, the existence of any militias in its areas of control, and its insistence that it is a unified national army fighting the militias.

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Written by raed_admin

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