
Maas: Peace in Libya is possible and the arms embargo is fundamental issue in resolving the conflict.

German Foreign Minister “Heiko Maas” said that the arms embargo on Libya is a fundamental issue in resolving the conflict, and that peace in this country is possible, and we are sure that the Libyans are tired of the conflict and want to rebuild their country.

Maas added, in an interview with Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, on Sunday, that the flow of mercenaries and military personnel into Libya must be stopped, otherwise there will be no incentive for the parties of the conflict to stop their destructive behavior.

Maas indicated that there are positive developments through negotiations, such as the Montreux talks between representatives of all parties and Libyan groups, which were sponsored by the United Nations.

It is worth noting that, on Monday, the Second Berlin Conference on Libya will be launched, which began on January 19 and identified three tracks to solve the Libyan crisis.

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