
Al-Sarraj demands practical steps to force the mercenaries out of Libya.

The head of the Presidency Council, Fayez Al-Sarraj, called on the international community to take practical steps that oblige the other party to send mercenaries to their country and reopen oil installations.

In his speech to the 75th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on Thursday, Al-Sarraj stressed the council’s keenness to adhere to the peaceful option based on constructive dialogue, as the only way to overcome the crisis the country is going through, stressing the importance of speeding up the resumption of political dialogue, provided that it includes all Libyan political forces .

Al-Sarraj held the aggressor responsible for not adhering to the ceasefire in Libya, expressing the GNA’s aspiration for strong support from the international community for the success of the presidential and parliamentary elections.

Al-Sarraj reiterated that the actual access to a permanent and sustainable ceasefire in Libya requires that the Sirte and Al Jufra regions become demilitarized, and the and mercenaries and foreign forces leave them and from all Libyan lands, indicating that he fulfilled his promise that the invader will not enter the city of Tripoli.

He welcomed the Human Rights Council’s response to the formation of a fact finding mission to investigate the grave human rights violations that were carried out during the aggression on Tripoli, calling on it to look into the violations against citizens in the city of Sirte by Haftar’s militias.

It is noteworthy that the United Nations General Assembly is holding its 75th session for this year, amid the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in the world, which led heads of state to deliver their speeches during the session from their countries through the “video”.

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