
Demands to investigate Maiteeq … Why has the Presidential office not responded yet?

Representative in the Presidential Council, Ahmed Maiteeq, signed an initiative with the son of the leader of the aggression, Khaled Haftar, to open Libyan oil, and several other items, including the payment of debts owed by Haftar in the East, which exceed 50 billion dinars.

This initiative met with great and widespread rejection, starting from the American embassy in Libya to the National Oil Corporation, to the Supreme Council of State, but we find what is absent here as usual is the Presidential Council which did not make any reaction about what Maiteeq did despite the demands of many to conduct an investigation with the latter and hold him accountable for his action. .

After the tide subsided

Journalist Abdullah al-Kabeer says that the Presidential Council may take this step after the noise and the sharp reactions subside about this step that Maiteeq took.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Kabeer added that it is very clear through the media coverage directed by Haftar’s channels and his regional supporters that there is a tendency to pour more oil on the fires of the differences between the presidential wings and the reconciliation government. For the purpose of blowing up these differences and working to further weaken them; to present Haftar wit a great service and the revival of his collapsing project, he said.

Al-Kabeer believed that, since the conflict with Haftar is still ongoing, it is better to wait before starting this investigation in order not to give the main enemy of the revolution a free victory after the great defeat that inflicted them and their allies on the walls of Tripoli.

Investigating themselves

For his part, writer and political analyst Faraj Dardour said, perhaps Maiteeq’s attempts to communicate with Haftar were in agreement with the Presidential Council, or some of them, and therefore how will they investigate themselves.

Dardour added, in a statement to Arraed, that the problem is big between the Presidential Council and the reconciliation government, as there are terrible contradictions even with the Supreme Council of State, pointing out that everything is possible and expected.

Among those demanding accountability for Maiteeq, the head of the Supreme Council of State, Khaled Al-Mishri, who called on the President of the Presidential Council, Fayiz Sarraj, to summon Representative Maiteeq and investigate him regarding his signing of an agreement with Haftar.

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