
The European Union imposes sanctions on the person wanted by the International Criminal “Mahmoud Al-Werfalli”.

On Monday, the European Union announced the imposition of sanctions against the leader of Haftar’s militia, wanted by the International Criminal Court, Mahmoud Al-Werfalli for his involvement in human rights violations in Libya.

The High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy in the Union, Josep Borrell, said during a press conference in Brussels that the union imposed sanctions on two people, one of whom was Al-Werfalli, who was involved in human rights violations, and on three companies for their involvement in violating the UN decision banning the supply of arms to Libya.

Borrell affirmed the Union’s determination to continue to support dialogue in Libya within the framework of the Berlin process. To solve the conflict in the country.

It is worth noting that Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against Mahmoud Al-Werfalli in August 2017, for committing war crimes, and executing more than thirty people without trial.

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