
Russia continues to recruit young Syrians in preparation for sending them to Libya.

Arabi 21 quoted a Syrian source with evidence confirming that dozens of young people from the Syrian city of Al-Suwayda went to Libya, and that there are pictures of young men waiting to be transferred to the Russian base in Syria and then to Libya to support Haftar’s militias.

The source pointed out, according to Araby 21 website, Friday, the reason for the increase in the number of fighters wishing to go to Libya is the return of some of them from Libya to spend vacations in Syria with money that contributed to spreading propaganda among unemployed youth.

The source pointed out that the second reason is the presence of more than one recruitment office in the city, and the presence of networks of local personalities in charge of coordination with Russian security companies, including the Al-Sayad security company licensed by the Syrian regime.

The source confirmed that the number of fighters transferred from Al-Suwayda is about 180, while others preparing to travel, and receive wages ranging between 500-1000 US dollars.

It is worth noting that the report of the United Nations experts confirmed last May the presence of mercenaries from the Russian Wagner Group and Syrian fighters who had come from Damascus to support Haftar’s militias.

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Written by raed_admin

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