
Libyan Crimes Watch: Civilians are subjected to secret and unannounced military sentences in the Eastern Region.

The Libyan Crime Monitoring Organization revealed on Sunday that the number of civilians who were subjected to secret and unannounced sentences without the presence of their families or organizations in the past year, 2019, 15 civilians, of whom 11 were sentenced to death and the rest were long prison terms.

The organization added, in a report on its official page, that on August 28, 2018, the authorities affiliated with Haftar announced the issuance of a verdict against 14 people, and the “permanent military court” in Benghazi sentenced three people to death in absentia and life sentences to one and the others were imprisoned for various long periods without mentioning the names and cases of the accused, In it or other details.

The organization said that the United Nations Mission in Libya published on May 22, 2020, that 17 civilians were sentenced to death by the “Supreme Court in Benghazi” and 4 others in Al-Bayda.

The organization indicated that among the persons sentenced from the eastern region was journalist Ismail Bouzriba Alwi, who was kidnapped by the “Internal Security” in ijdabiya and forcibly disappeared and placed in a military prison in Benghazi and sentenced to 15 years for collaborating with one of the channels opposing the authorities of the Eastern Region The activist “Hind Abdul Aziz” was arrested in Derna on February 13, 2020, and transferred to a military prison in Benghazi without obtaining a legal guarantee , her family or her lawyer were not allowed to communicate with her to follow up on the case and find out the reasons for the arrest, according to the text of the report.

It is worth noting that the Libyan Crimes Watch Organization announced in mid-August the killing of the citizen “Nasser Gaddafi” and the wounding of 7 others in the city of Sirte, as a result of the use of excessive force and live bullets by Haftar’s militia against demonstrators in the city.

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