
Turkey: Haftar does not want a political solution and wants a dictatorial regime in Libya.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry affirmed, on Wednesday, that Haftar’s announcement of his reversal of the political agreement represents his unwillingness to resolve the Libyan crisis through political dialogue.

The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Haftar’s statements show his goals for establishing a military dictatorship in Libya, calling on the international community to respond as soon as possible to Haftar, who wants to establish a military regime in the country.

A spokesman for Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party said on Tuesday that Haftar was seeking a coup attempt, confirming his country’s continued support for the legitimate GNA.

It is worth noting that the commander of the aggressor forces, Khalifa Hifter, announced, last Monday, a new coup, in which he confirmed the freezing of the political agreement and the cancellation of all objects emanating from it.

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Written by raed_admin

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