
After his suspension of the constitutional declaration in 2014, and his rejection of the draft constitution in 2017, Haftar requests an authorization with a constitutional document.

In light of the tightening of the ring on his militias, which the Libyan army is increasing day after day after it launched the “Peace Storm” operation and paveing the way to storm Tarhuna the largest stronghold of its militia in the western region – Haftar wants to undermine the political process and return the country to square one, after the failed coup attempt broadcast by Al Arabiya And then he rejected the draft constitution issued by a democratically elected body – he returned to call on the Libyans to overthrow the political agreement that prepares the country’s interim constitution and is recognized by the Security Council and the United Nations.

overthrow and authorize

Khalifa Haftar, the leader of the militia attacking Tripoli, called on the Libyan people to overthrow the political agreement and delegate the institution they deem appropriate to take over the affairs of the country.

Hifter added, during a televised speech, that this institution should be able and qualified to lead the next stage and manage the affairs of the country according to a constitutional declaration issued by it.

He rejected the constitution

Khalifa Haftar had announced in 2018 his rejection of the draft constitution drafted by the independent commission in Al-Bayda, saying, “The constitution should be left for later, and he assumed that the present time is not right for it at all.”

Haftar added, during a meeting at the time, that Aqila Saleh, the Chairman of the Tobruk House of Representatives, pledged to him that he would correct the election law and correct the constitution that was directly drafted by a body elected by the people.

Before his militia took control of the city of Benghazi, the desperate general appeared in a televised speech in which he spoke of his intention to step down as soon as his militia took control of the city, leaving the field for those who are better able to complete the march, he said.


Haftar the coup leader, against all legitimacy, had announced the freezing of the work of the National Congress, the Libyan government and the constitutional declaration in 2014, in a recorded speech broadcast by his Saudi sponsor, Al-Arabiya, during which he announced a 5-way road map.

Haftar claimed, in his speech at the time, that what he was doing was trying to “adjust the course of the Libyan revolution,” denying the occurrence of a military coup; “because the time for coups is over,” he said.

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