
Bashagha: The hostile states are looking for a foothold in the south.

On Wednesday, Interior Minister Fathi Bashaga said that there are hostile countries trying to find a place for them in southern Libya, stressing that they will not allow foreigners who dream of a new imperialism in the region to achieve their goal.

Bashaga added, in a press conference, that the violations of the Haftar militias and his mercenaries do not stop, and the records of their military aircraft ‘flights that violate the sovereignty of the country’s airspace are a disgrace that history records against their regimes, and evidence that will be pursued in international forums and courts.

Bashaga sent a message to the neighboring countries, especially Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria and Sudan, that they are on one boat with Libya, because they share the same security concerns, and the interests of their people are the same, stressing that tyranny projects are rejected and their days are gone and will not be successful.

Bashaga explained that Haftar mercenaries from the Sudanese and Chadian nationalities tamper with the property of the displaced Libyans, and this is a shame and disgrace for those who brought them, and the Libyan army will only increase ferocity in their war against Haftar, and is determined to send the bodies of these mercenaries to their countries and pursue those who brought them in by international courts.

It is worth noting that the Libyan army forces killed and captured many of the Sudanese “Janjaweed” mercenaries belonging to Haftar in the axes south of Tripoli and the Abu-qrain area east of Misurata.

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Written by raed_admin

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