
In 5 days, Haftar militias lose 6 cities and turn to defend Tarhuna.

Military changes and significant progress made by the army during the past five days in all axes south, west and east of Tripoli, as part of the “Peace Storm” operation launched in response to the systematic and repeated shelling of Haftar militias in residential neighborhoods in Tripoli.

6 cities in 6 hours On the 13th of last April, the army announced a military operation in the coastal cities west of Tripoli to retrieve them from the Haftar militias that it occupied since it began its aggression against the capital last April.

The military operation quickly succeeded and the army was able to liberate the cities of Sabrata and Sorman, Al-Ajilat, Al-Jamail, Riqdalin, Zulton and Al-Assa in 6 hours, and chase the militia fleeing to Alwittia base, which is besieged by the army.

Tarhuna is the target.

It was only 5 days since the liberation of the West Coast, the Volcano of Anger Operations Room launched a military operation to liberate Tarhuna city, which is the last stronghold of Haftar in the west of the country, along with Alwittia base.

The army forces followed the path of liberating the city of Tarhuna and entered several areas within the city’s administrative borders, such as the Souq Aljumaa and Almsabha, and the Alguma triangle and Alhawatim, and captured about 105 of Alkani militias affiliated to Haftar.

The Air Force supported the ground forces while they were moving towards Tarhuna, and carried out 4 combat sorties targeting the gatherings, mechanisms, and armored vehicles of Haftar militia inside Tarhuna, in preparation for the entry of the ground forces into it.

Significant advances In conjunction with the liberation of Tarhuna operation , the army moved in several axes south of Tripoli, and made significant progress in several axes, perhaps the most prominent of which are Atwaysha, Almashrou, and Ain Zara.

The army announced full control of the Atwaysha area, the acquisition of a large amount of ammunition, and significant progress in Almashrou axes and traiq Asidra , in Ain Zara, in which the army controlled what is known as Corbat Almisratai and captured 13 members of the Haftar militia.

When we recount the recent victories that the army achieved in the western regions of the country, the fatigue and exhaution experienced by the Haftar militias appears, whose main concern now is to keep hold of Tarhuna instead of the promise to enter Tripoli.

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Written by raed_admin

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