
The army resumes its operations in Tarhuna and downs a plane in Abu Qrain.

On Sunday, a spokesman for the Volcano of Anger operation, Mustafa Al-Majei, confirmed the resumption of military operations launched by the Libyan army in Tarhuna , to liberate it from the grip of Haftar militias.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Majei added that the air force launched 3 air strikes on the concentrations of Haftar militias in Tarhuna, in preparation for the entry of the ground forces.

This morning, the Libyan Air Force dropped leaflets in both Arabic and Russian over a Tarhuna calling on the people to move away from the headquarters and gatherings of the militants, asking the militants to surrender, and that the battle was resolved militarily.

In a related context, a spokesman for the Libyan army forces, Colonel Pilot Mohamed Qanunu, announced the shooting down of an Emirati “Wing Long” plane over the skies of Abu Qrain, and targeting the positions of the Haftar militia in Alwishka with heavy artillery.

It is worth noting that the army forces launched, on Saturday, a military operation towards Tarhuna, and captured more than 100 members of the Haftar militias , controlling several concentrations inside the administrative borders in Tarhuna.

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