
Borrell: We are concerned about the difficulties of the ceasefire in Libya.

The high representative for foreign policy in the European Union, Joseph Borrell, expressed on Monday, Brussels’s concern over the security situation around Tripoli and the difficulties preventing the ceasefire and the start of the political process.

“Borel” said, during his meeting with German Foreign Minister “Haikou Maas”, that the Libyan crisis requires more coordinated international effort because the solution in Libya will not happen tomorrow, according to the Italian agency “Aki”.

“Maas” stressed that they agreed on the importance of the Berlin Conference on Libya, stressing that it represents a first step that must be followed up to reach results.

The two parties added that the Security Council must now take responsibility for adopting a resolution that gives more force and legitimacy to the Berlin outcome, the most important of which is the ceasefire and the monitoring of the arms embargo.

The Hifter militias have violated the ceasefire truce again and again, the last of which was targeting the Maitiga International Airport with 3 rocket missiles, wounding airport employees, and launched an attack on the Abograin area.

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