
After Hifter’s blatant and repeated breach of the truce … the Presidential Council holds its sponsors responsible.

More than once, the Presidential Council and Turkey have held Hifter’s allies responsible for his repeated breach of the truce by bombing Tripoli neighborhoods with indiscriminate missiles, launching attacks here and there despite all the pledges made by the countries supporting him in Moscow and Berlin to abide by the arms embargo, and to declare their desire to reach a political solution to end the crisis Libyan.

The rebel has no covenant

The Presidential Council said, “The rebel Hifter” has no covenant, holdring the sponsors of the truce responsibile for Hifter’s failure to abide by the ceasefire truce, indicating that we signed it in appreciation of the status of these countries, according to the statement.

The Presidential Council felt that they would be forced to reconsider participation in any dialogue due to the continuous violation of Hifter to truce, and also called on the participants in the Berlin Conference to assume their responsibilities towards the repeated breaches of the aggressing militia to the truce and the outcome of the conference.

Determined to defeat him

For his part, the Libyan army spokesman, Colonel Mohamed Gnunu, confirmed the army’s intention to defeat the militias, which once again proved that they have no covenant or charter, after their attack on the Abograin and Qiddahyia regions.

Gnunu explained that Hifter’s mercenaries and his militias attacked the region backed by foreign aircraft, which is an addition to foreign raids monitored by the United Nations over the past period, adding that it continues to bomb civilian neighborhoods and the international airport of Maitiga at random with heavy weapons.

Hifter does not want peace

“The truth is that Hifter does not want peace or a political process, but rather a military solution,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoglu said, adding that Turkey had done its part to persuade the legitimate national reconciliation government to stop the fire.

Oglu stressed that there are countries in the region seeking to abort the truce efforts, among them France, which is working to undermine any effort it does not participate in , and is one of the states responsible for the situation in Libya, indicating that Paris is causing continued chaos in Libya by providing various types of support For Hifter, including support with arms.

The statements of officials of the Al-Wefaq government and Turkey agree that Hifter insistent on rejecting any political process and the continuation of the war because he sees it as his only way to reach power.

The statements of Turkish and Libyan officials also show the existence of states that support Hifter, who until now refuse to end the war and enter a political process, for fear of losing their gains and their ambitions in Libya of a totalitarian military rule led by Hifter.

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Written by raed_admin

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