
The army forces repelled an attempt to advance by Hifter Militants east of Abograin.

In another failed attempt by Hifter militants to advance towards the Libyan army and to cross its fortifications east of Abograin, and in order to continue to violate the truce and the ceasefire, the army forces repelled an attack by Hifter forces on Abograin inflicting losses in ammunition and equipment.

The commander of the Military Operations Chamber of Sirte-Al-Jufra, Brigadier General Ibrahim Bait Al-Mal, affirmed, in a statement to the Arraed, that the army forces maintain all their locations west of the city of Sirte, and pursue the remnants of Hifter militants east of the Abograin area, after inflicting heavy losses in life and equipment.

In a related context, the Libyan army spokesman, Colonel Pilot Mohamed Gnunu, said that “Hifter militias” violated the ceasefire truce again in an attempt to advance towards Abograin.

Gnunu added, according to the media center for Operation Volcano of Anger, that the army maintains its positions in the area and pursues “Hifter militias” towards Alwishka, stressing the destruction of armed vehicles for “Hifter militias” that tried to advance towards Bograin, and seized a number of them.

It is worth noting that the Hifter elements have violated the ceasefire truce repeatedly, the last of which was the launch of indiscriminate Grad rockets on Sunday night at the the areas of Arada and Shorfat Almalaha of the Municipality of Souq Al-Jumaa, which led to the killing of a Moroccan citizen and the injury of a number of citizens.

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