
Refusing to grant peace to the Libyans … Hifter bows to the emirates that have not yet quenches her thirst from the blood of Libyans.

Hifter’s actions are always blatant, with no regard for behaviors, actions and sayings calling for peace, dialogue and ending the war, so he only believes in the language of rifles, which has displaced thousands of families and destroyed their homes.

Hifter, who went to Moscow and then to Berlin in order for the ceasefire and the dialogue which will end the war, which burnt simple citizen, returned without signing the agreement that would restore peace to his country and his people, and gave in to his supporters such as the Emirates and Egypt who had not quenched their thirst from the blood of the Libyans yet.

Who’s behind Hifter’s escape from Moscow

A Turkish newspaper revealed some details of the hours of Hifter’s escape from the dialogue table in Moscow, asking that he needed time to think before he signed.

The Turkish newspaper “News Turk” said that Hifter made several phone calls with the Emirates and Egypt before leaving Moscow, which means that Abu Dhabi and Cairo asked Hifter to withdraw and not sign.

This matter enraged the Russian leadership a lot, and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was left in an embarrassing situation, he and Turkish Foreign Minister Chawishoglu, made strenuous efforts for two days to convince the Libyan parties to sign the agreement , which was signed by Asarraj while Hifter decided to escape.

“Escape from Berlin”

On a related topic and from the corners of the Berlin conference on Libya, a report published by the Italian newspaper “Al Corriere della Sera” revealed another misbehavior from Hifter, which was in another form of stubbornness and rebellion against the international community this time, which was represented by his failure to answer a phone call from the German chancellor. Angela Merkel, which angered her, while trying to get his stance on the final statement of the Berlin Conference, according to the newspaper.

The newspaper says that at five o’clock on the evening of the Berlin conference, the phone of the room in which Hifter was staying in the Palace of the German Chancellor rang long without success, due to Hifter’s refusal to answer a new call by Merkel, who was trying to obtain a final answer from him Regarding the text of the final statement of the Berlin Conference.

The newspaper added, that Merkel had spent the entire period of the Berlin conference on Libya moving between the conference hall and the two rooms where the President of the Presidential Council, Fayez Asarraj and Hifter, were staying, just a few meters away from her office.

The newspaper said that, according to its source, who was close to Merkel at those moments, he confirmed that the chancellor had exploded in anger by saying: “We will only wait another ten minutes.and if Hifter doesn’t shoulder his responsibities, then we will fifnish the conference with had been agreed upon by the participants and Indeed that what had happened, according to the newspaper.

“Hifter does not want peace”

For its part, the British magazine “The Economist” described that Haftar closed the ports and oil fields before the Berlin conference as a sign that he is a man who does not want peace, describing him as “the warlord” in Libya.

In a report, the magazine confirmed that the Emirates supported Haftar with a fleet of Chinese drones, and sent him air defense systems, equipment and other weapons, and that he controlled the air thanks to them.

The obstacle of peace”

As for the British newspaper “The Independent”, Hifter has been described as “the warlord”, who has become an obstacle to peace in Libya.

The newspaper confirmed that Hifter confessed that he does not have control over all his forces, which was confirmed by the words of former British ambassador to Libya, “Peter Millett,” who said that he faced in 2018 Hifter with the crimes of killing prisoners and executions committed by his members without trials, Hifter’s reply to him was ” I do not control all my forces. ”

The newspaper quoted former US envoy to Libya, Jonathan Weiner, as saying, Hifter rejected all opportunities that were available to unify Libyan institutions, confront terrorism and stabilize the country.

These signs and indications prove that the rebel against national and international legitimacy cares only about himself and his goal, which he seeks to reach the seat of Power and the rule Libya on his own without contesting, and for this he does not care about international or local legitimacy and does not respect conferences or international resolutons.

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Written by raed_admin

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