
Britain Imposes Sanctions on “Salah Badi” in Coordination With the United States and France

The British Foreign Office announced that Britain, in coordination with the United States and France, had secured the approval of the UN Security Council to impose sanctions against Salah Badi under the terms of Security Council resolution 2213 (2015).

On its official website, the ministry, on Friday, said that the sanctions against Salah Badi includes a ban on travel and freezing all of his financial assets, clarifying that Badi “has consistently undermined the political solution in Libya.”

The foreign ministry said that Badi “the commander of the Al-Samoud militia which opposes the UN-recognized Al-Wefaq government,” had a leading role in the armed clashes in Tripoli in August and September that killed at least 120 people, most of them civilians, according to the Foreign Affairs survey.

The foreign ministry stressed that the punishment for Badi carries a clear message that the international community will not tolerate “acts of violence against the Libyan people” and that Britain “will not allow those who seek to obstruct peace and stability in Libya to have impunity for their actions.”

Last September, the United Nations Mission in Libya (UNLIB) warned that Salah Badi would continue to carry out military actions that are criminalized under international humanitarian law after repeatedly breaking the truce of the armed clashes in Tripoli.

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Written by raed_admin

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